Intro to Politicized Somatics

In this 8-week group you will be introduced to a series of foundational somatic practices, mostly from the lineage of generative somatics.

Participants will be guided through a series of individual, partnered, and group somatic practices, designed to move you beyond the embodied patterns that keep you constricted and towards more life, more connection, and more possibility.

Somatics is political. Our bodies and beliefs are shaped by the worlds we inhabit. Somatics allows us to become more conscious of the embodied and sub-conscious stories that shape our lives so that we can live in deeper alignment with our values and commitments.

Somatics is pragmatic. It's about creating new muscle memories and embodied possibilities through practice. We build an awareness of our default ways of being in the world and then work towards a deeper sense of alignment with our values instead of always reacting from our protective patterns.

Shifting cycles, creating new possibilities. Unraveling old stories. 

This group is for those new to somatics as well as those who want to continue to deepen their practice. We will work to heal, transform, and move towards the change we long for individually and collectively, while learning about the lineage and theory of the field of somatics. 

*This group is limited to 12 people so that we build connection and practice together as a collective. All sessions are live and will not be recorded.

*This work is inherently therapeutic and incorporates trauma integration skills but it is not an adequate substitute for therapy.

This group will always center the experience of those on the margins, particularly queer and trans folks, BIPOC, change-makers, and cultural workers navigating the complexities of this political moment. Many of us are witnessing and grieving the violent erasure of Palestinians and the subsequent expansion of American fascism. This backdrop of our global reality will be centered in our exploration of embodiment and healing.

What to expect

  • individual, partnered, and group practices

  • work with gesture, movement, breath, and awareness of sensation

  • a deeper sense of what has shaped your patterned reactions, beliefs, and triggers

  • identify the impacts of trauma, oppression, and social conditioning on your current embodiment

  • begin to shift the embodied patterns that keep you stuck  

  • access a wider emotional range, more sensation, and more joy

  • practices responding from a grounded, centered place, even under pressure

  • re-establishing an internal sense of safety, dignity, and belonging 

Facilitated by Zoë April (she/her), a white trans woman living in the southern swamps of Gainesville, FL on occupied Timucua land.

More about Zoë


Wednesdays at 5pm

Next course will begin July 3rd