Unraveling Embodied

 White Supremacy

A 7-week group working with and through our bodies to learn, unlearn, and unravel the ways that histories and tendnecies of white supremacy live in our tissues and shape our concious and unconscious actions.

Practices will mostly be from the lineage of generative somatics.

Participants will be guided through a series of individual, partnered, and group somatic practices, designed to build a deeper awareness of how historical, cultural, and epigenetic patterning shows up in our bodies.

We will use then awareness to begin healing and mending the parts of ourselves that may be organizing for protection, dignity, and belonging at the expense of others.

We will explore how our automatic responses to current and historical trauma can keep us from showing up for our communities and global liberatory struggles in the ways that we want to.


Somatics is pragmatic. It's about creating new muscle memories and embodied possibilities through practice. We build an awareness of our default ways of being in the world and then work towards a deeper sense of alignment with our values instead of always reacting from our protective patterns.

Shifting cycles, creating new possibilities. Unraveling old stories. 

This group is for those who already done work to develop a political analysis of the tendencies and impacts of white supremacy and who want to deepen through embodied practice. It is not a political education course.

Facilitated by Zoë April (she/her), a white trans woman living in the southern swamps of Gainesville, FL on occupied Timucua land.

More about Zoë


Thursdays 12-2pm EST

Next round begins July 25th, 2024